Monday was cross training - dumb-bell exercises, core strength, stretching, body resistance exercises - and tonight was back on the roads, 7.5m of ups and downs with 45mins of that in a fartlek-style short effort and shorter recovery. Feeling quite good, but still a way to go. I am feeling slightly more tired at work, especially on Mondays, but managing to garner strength for evening runs. I'm still at relatively low mileage, hitting 40+ most weeks but including 20m+ events at weekends that's not excessive. I plan to hit 50's and 60's. The long runs are important but I also think the time on feet for conditioning and consecutive day mileage are essential.
I have a feeling the running planned for this weekend will be a challenge like I haven't faced before.
hey DE sounds like it all coming together well for you. reading about your efforts has given me a kick up the..